1.   Other criticisms of the Ridley ruling appear to show scant regard for the integrity of the retailer or its competitiveness.

2.   Should we be exporting arms to countries with scant regard for human rights?

3.   They produce goods with scant regard for quality.

4.   Wall Street is notorious for having scant regard for the future and even less for the past.

5.   China is the most obvious case of unrestrained enthusiasm for industrial investment, with scant regard for demand growth.

6.   Many people on both sides of the reform-conservative divide have scant regard for democratic principles.

7.   But foreign investors remained wary, particularly as stories emerged of scant regard shown to minority shareholders.

8.   But authorities not used to journalists digging into their private lives, often protest against the press, which occasionally has a scant regard for facts.

9.   First, they showed scant regard for asset quality.

10.   He has often criticized the free-wheeling press for lack of reponsibilty and scant regard for facts.

a. + regard >>共 86
high 41.99%
scant 5.25%
highest 4.97%
low 3.59%
great 3.59%
due 2.49%
higher 2.49%
proper 1.66%
same 1.38%
warm 1.10%
scant + n. >>共 324
attention 12.62%
evidence 8.33%
hope 2.49%
support 2.32%
interest 2.23%
information 2.23%
detail 2.06%
progress 2.06%
chance 1.89%
regard 1.63%
每页显示:    共 19