1.   A magnification or a diminution reveals the same pattern.

2.   All show the same pattern of generally high proportions of cranial and postcranial elements and low proportions of isolated teeth.

3.   Children follow the same pattern of physical development but each one at a different pace.

4.   Do you have the same pattern in blue?

5.   Examine the content and structure of any sentence in this or any other book and you will observe this same pattern.

6.   Numbers and music shared of course the same patterns of elegance, even when the figures exalted only aubergines.

7.   Police say that each of the murders follows the same pattern.

8.   Quotations conform to the same pattern of assessment and explanation type.

9.   The figures for wastage rates between levels of education reproduce much the same patterns between different regions and between the sexes.

a. + pattern >>共 1249
same 4.60%
similar 4.23%
different 2.01%
familiar 1.99%
voting 1.84%
new 1.48%
normal 1.26%
spending 1.26%
geometric 1.22%
floral 1.07%
same + n. >>共 964
time 18.03%
thing 4.47%
way 3.83%
day 3.43%
year 1.18%
area 0.95%
kind 0.90%
reason 0.83%
name 0.76%
period 0.75%
pattern 0.24%
每页显示:    共 214