1.   They also refused to support a government which relied on Russian former communists.

2.   In mid-December Russian communists emerged as the strong party in parliamentary elections.

3.   Yugoslavia was unique as a communist country because its strongman leader Tito never cared much for the Russian communists.

4.   A new generation of Russian communists celebrated the date by swearing allegiance to the former Russian leader.

5.   A top Russian communist claimed Thursday that he had been informed of a plan to incite violence in Belarus.

6.   But while the Russian communists lost power when the Soviet Union collapsed, the Chinese communists have rejected all challenges to their monopoly on power.

7.   Russian communists, who strongly support Lukashenko, immediately assailed Yeltsin for the public rebuke.

8.   Russian communists have little real power today, and their primary political role is that of a noisy, but largely toothless, opposition.

9.   Russian communists, whose parliament leaders long have denounced any deal with expanding NATO as treason, sounded unusually coy on Monday.

10.   Stalin still has a following among hard line Russian communists.

a. + communist >>共 148
former 50.94%
east_german 5.27%
reformed 4.57%
chinese 2.46%
ruling 1.64%
russian 1.52%
indian 1.52%
hardline 1.41%
radical 0.94%
suspected 0.94%
russian + n. >>共 781
troop 7.11%
official 5.60%
force 4.03%
government 3.40%
soldier 2.60%
authority 1.66%
leader 1.57%
television 1.48%
military 1.32%
army 1.05%
communist 0.02%
每页显示:    共 13