1.   The United Bulgarian Agrarian Party, a former ally of the ruling communists, had united with part of the Nikola Petkov BZNS.

2.   Mao noted that expanding the number of seats available to non-Party members would not undermine the importance of the ruling communists.

3.   Months of infighting between the faction led by Bannerjee and other Congress members has left the party too weak to stand up to the ruling communists.

4.   For the ruling former communists, liberalising the laws is an electoral promise which must be kept.

5.   For the ruling former communists, liberalising the laws is an electoral promise that must be kept.

6.   Growth rates averaging more than seven percent growth over the past decade have won the ruling communists widespread if sometimes grudging approval for their economic management.

7.   Annual growth rates averaging more than seven percent over the past decade have won the ruling communists widespread, if sometimes grudging, approval for their economic management.

8.   Bulgarians headed to the polls on Sunday in presidential elections expected to deliver a blow the ruling former communists with the country beset by economic crisis.

9.   Bulgarian opposition candidate Petar Stoyanov was set for victory in presidential elections Sunday, according to two exit polls and officials of the ruling former communists.

10.   Bulgarians elect a new parliament Saturday in early elections to replace a leftist-dominated legislature which was dissolved in February after violent protests against the ruling former communists.

a. + communist >>共 148
former 50.94%
east_german 5.27%
reformed 4.57%
chinese 2.46%
ruling 1.64%
russian 1.52%
indian 1.52%
hardline 1.41%
radical 0.94%
suspected 0.94%
ruling + n. >>共 347
party 40.34%
coalition 15.34%
junta 2.90%
family 2.35%
class 2.12%
militant 1.95%
council 1.94%
official 1.94%
elite 1.70%
militia 1.69%
communist 0.23%
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