1.   It will mark the second straight race in which Benson has missed practice time because of a rules infraction.

2.   Other coaches had seen Couch on the recruiting trail, an apparent rules infraction for volunteer coaches, who are prohibited by NCAA rules from recruiting off campus.

3.   Rep. Newt Gingrich and other GOP stalwarts began attacking me personally, accusing me of various rules infractions.

4.   Rosamond is believed to be the first team to have advanced to the finals and been disqualified for a rule infraction.

5.   The Devils have been dithering ever since Messier was seen pointing out a possible rules infraction on a New Jersey goal Tuesday night.

6.   The NCAA became involved last week when an unidentified caller notified the organization of possible rules infractions.

7.   They also would have to successfully complete five years on parole or probation with no violations or write-ups for rules infractions.

8.   Walsh has been serving a one-year suspension instituted by the university following several rules infractions within the hockey program.

9.   Apparently, none of the information was passed on to campus authorities charged with investigating possible rules infractions, university officials say.

10.   Barkley, who was suspended twice this season because of NCAA rules infractions, said he was angered by reports of still another investigation into his eligibility.

n. + infraction >>共 42
traffic 19.35%
rule 15.05%
security 7.53%
safety 5.38%
stick 5.38%
race 3.23%
disorder 2.15%
campus 2.15%
drug 2.15%
on-ice 2.15%
rule + n. >>共 227
change 39.94%
book 12.61%
violation 9.79%
committee 3.99%
official 2.90%
maker 1.80%
proposal 1.64%
interpretation 1.49%
infraction 1.10%
state 0.63%
每页显示:    共 14