1.   A tall good-looking man rounded the corner.

2.   As I rounded the corner, I could see that the house was on fire.

3.   Even nails stopped in his stride as they rounded the corner by the cinema queue.

4.   He knew it would be gone before he rounded the corner.

5.   He rounded a corner, passing three children kicking a football back and forth across the road.

6.   I rounded the corner, looking for a place to pull in.

7.   I rounded the corner, then stopped, waited a moment and peeked back into the lobby.

8.   It goes straight for a few yards and then bends round the corner into blackness.

9.   It was better once I had rounded the corner and I set off at a brisk pace for the west.

10.   The race for the nomination has rounded a corner.

v. + corner >>共 288
turn 30.54%
cut 13.18%
round 4.74%
have 3.09%
take 2.88%
work 1.30%
reach 1.30%
fight 1.10%
play 1.03%
leave 0.96%
round + n. >>共 144
base 17.16%
corner 15.58%
bend 8.35%
curve 4.74%
edge 4.29%
goalkeeper 3.39%
bag 2.71%
mark 2.03%
keeper 1.81%
turn 1.13%
每页显示:    共 69