1.   Also, Leventhal contends that using mixed-oxide fuel in power plants adds a risky step between dismantling weapons and isolating the plutonium at waste storage sites.

2.   And it remains unclear whether international officials would take the risky step of forcing refugees home against their will.

3.   And they suggested that the Bush administration might have to take the politically risky step of dipping into surplus Medicare money to pay for the military increase.

4.   As a result, he took a risky step and released her song to pop radio.

5.   But she added that she understood why the House Republicans took such a risky step.

6.   Concessions would spare Bush the risky step of withdrawing from the treaty unilaterally, an act that many European leaders and members of Congress oppose.

7.   In America, most of Congress and the general public warily support continued bombing, but strongly oppose more risky steps like the introduction of NATO combat troops.

8.   It seemed a risky step when Rob Glaser, chairman of Real NetworksInc., appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in July, joining a chorus of Microsoft bashers.

9.   Red Cat also represents a risky step for Cal Arts.

10.   Some analysts and Western diplomats believe that a resounding victory this time would give the government more room to take politically risky steps.

a. + step >>共 566
first 21.66%
next 12.03%
important 3.07%
major 2.72%
big 2.08%
small 1.90%
unusual 1.78%
closer 1.57%
necessary 1.49%
such 1.47%
risky 0.10%
risky + n. >>共 389
business 8.24%
investment 7.03%
behavior 4.95%
move 3.97%
proposition 3.11%
strategy 2.76%
venture 2.71%
loan 2.42%
bet 2.02%
operation 1.50%
step 1.04%
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