1.   After two hours, their patience was rewarded and they saw the bird.

2.   This may take some time but patience will be rewarded far more than a loss of temper.

3.   And every year come fall, their patience is rewarded with . . . nothing.

4.   And one hour later, his patience was rewarded.

5.   And shareholders who stick with their small-stock mutual funds may find their patience rewarded.

6.   But in this case patience may be rewarded by the development of an international body that can finally live up to the great promise that attended its birth.

7.   But our patience is being rewarded.

8.   But sometimes patience is rewarded.

9.   But the film rewards your patience with a vision of hope and redemption that can lift you out of your seat.

10.   But you have to hang in too long for the few pleasures that reward the patience of marathon viewers.

v. + patience >>共 116
have 25.57%
lose 21.50%
show 6.38%
test 4.74%
require 4.37%
counsel 3.85%
urge 3.19%
try 2.97%
preach 2.59%
reward 2.37%
reward + n. >>共 538
company 4.99%
effort 3.29%
employee 2.96%
investor 2.83%
people 2.43%
patience 2.10%
player 2.04%
shareholder 1.97%
worker 1.84%
faith 1.38%
每页显示:    共 32