1.   And researchers have recorded some birds returning each winter for twenty years.

2.   Halstead explained that the improvements in helmet design trace back to work done three decades ago, when researchers recorded the effects of blunt forces on cadavers.

3.   In the second study, researchers recorded how the lethal factor protein of the anthrax toxin, known as LF, wended its deadly way through the human cell.

4.   Researchers also have recorded greater flooding in key upland catchment areas weakened by excess logging.

5.   So the researchers recorded the noises emitted during the slow stretching of a common plastic that they had crushed and recrushed many times.

6.   The procedures enabled ground-based researchers to record signals from the nervous system as they constricted blood vessels to increase blood pressure.

7.   The researchers recorded who was present at each meal and the food that was thrown out or left over at the end of the week.

8.   The researchers also recorded signals from other Earth-orbiting satellites that periodically measure up-and-down ground deformation by radar.

9.   The truckers drove nearly a quarter of a million miles as researchers recorded their brain waves, eye movements and other vital signs.

10.   An accompanying researcher recorded periodic blood pressure and heart rate figures during the trips.

n. + record >>共 564
camera 5.35%
company 2.49%
coroner 2.12%
history 2.05%
police 2.05%
group 1.68%
stock 1.61%
band 1.47%
device 1.17%
fund 1.03%
researcher 1.03%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
record 0.13%
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