1.   Academics whose research found ill effects of divorce on kids faced chilly receptions.

2.   After controlling for other factors that contribute to family wealth, the research found that small families had more consumer goods.

3.   Nicotine appears to stimulate brain cells in nearly the same way that cocaine does, new research finds.

4.   Research has found that nationwide, many academies have not placed much emphasis on integrating academic and occupational courses.

5.   Research has found that the drug contains a toxic chemical that can cause respiratory problems.

6.   But modern research has found that this is not so.

7.   The research found that alpha rays may cause damage to cells which only becomes apparent much later when abnormal chromosomes appear.

8.   In comparing the strength of tendons between animals, research has found that the absolute strength of tendons varies widely in the thoroughbred population.

9.   Although the latest research did not find conclusive evidence of benefits in single-sex schools, it did find that such programs are extremely popular with girls.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
research 0.52%
research + v. >>共 425
show 17.00%
be 15.95%
suggest 8.46%
indicate 4.14%
find 3.94%
lead 2.27%
focus 1.67%
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