1.   If the spent fuel can not be reprocessed, alternative dry storage is needed.

2.   The complex will reprocess spent fuel from nuclear power stations in the UK, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Sweden, Italy, Canada and Spain.

3.   It will reprocess spent fuel from nuclear power stations in the UK, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Sweden, Italy, Canada and Spain.

4.   It points out, however, that decommissioning costs are spread over a long period, while those of reprocessing spent fuel are more immediate.

5.   American technicians trained Indian scientists to reprocess spent fuel for plutonium.

6.   According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the North has kept its pledge not to reprocess spent fuel.

7.   All three of those countries have also reprocessed some fuel from breeder reactors.

8.   Britain and France currently reprocess fuels, but it has not yet proved profitable, group officials said.

9.   Britain and France reprocess such fuel on a commercial basis, and Russia is seeking to, but those countries already have nuclear weapons.

10.   Britain and France currently reprocess fuels, but it has not yet proven profitable, group official said.

v. + fuel >>共 314
add 8.15%
use 7.00%
provide 4.46%
have 4.26%
buy 3.11%
burn 3.02%
help 2.54%
carry 2.30%
dump 2.25%
sell 2.16%
reprocess 1.87%
reprocess + n. >>共 30
fuel 28.47%
plant 19.71%
waste 17.52%
company 4.38%
plutonium 3.65%
rod 3.65%
facility 2.92%
contract 1.46%
device 1.46%
material 1.46%
每页显示:    共 39