1.   And that report generated lots of negative publicity for the agency.

2.   A plan to promote the fall lineup by leaving taped messages on the answering machines of viewers was canceled in July after news reports generated widespread disapproval.

3.   But the sketchy reports have generated great unease in this city, the capital of Hebei Province.

4.   Hamlet Paoletti, a Smithsonian public affairs representative, says the report has generated a lot of interest from other museums.

5.   The report generated concern the U.K. would have to cut interest rates, to bring them in line with rates elsewhere in Europe, to join the union.

6.   The report generated new sniping on Capitol Hill, but no signs of a breakthrough on a stalled economic stimulus measure.

7.   Those reports generate hundreds of millions of dollars in payments each year to Columbia alone.

8.   Those reports generate hundreds of millions of dollars in payments each year to Columbia and Quorum alone.

9.   Those expense reports generate hundreds of millions of dollars in payments from the government to Columbia.

10.   Alas, the report generated resentment rather than respect for American diplomacy.

n. + generate >>共 981
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report + v. >>共 356
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