1.   The GAO report calls for slowing down the closed-cities program until the problems in the institutes program have been resolved.

2.   The report calls for education reform, giving more money and resources to school districts that serve low-income and at-risk students and setting minimum education standards for all children.

3.   The report calls for sweeping changes within the insurance department, including establishing a consumer advocacy office and demanding rate decreases in automobile insurance.

4.   The report calls for the Constabulary to turn over to an outside agency the responsibility for recruitment, another move aimed at chipping away Catholic resistance to joining.

5.   The report calls for the widespread commercial adoption of technologies used to prevent illegal wiretapping of computer data, telephone, cellular and other wireless communications.

6.   The report calls for easing regulations that inhibit new electricity transmission lines and gas pipelines, including calling for federal condemnation of private property to build power lines.

7.   The report calls on the Indonesian government to confirm its commitment to the militias believed responsible for the recent violence.

8.   The report calls for legislation that would require Internet sites aimed at children to get the permission of a parent before seeking information from children.

9.   Diplomatic sources in Washington also said the report calls for a halt to new Jewish settlements.

10.   The report calls for states to stop incarcerating young people with adults, noting three in four youths imprisoned with adults are minorities.

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report + n. >>共 398
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