1.   Another weekly retail sales report attributed most of its scant gain to back-to-school shopping.

2.   Daily stock market reports attribute the rise in the Dow to events such as strong profits in member companies such as Eastman Kodak and General Electric Co.

3.   The report attributed the total in part to a program started by state courts to clear some of the cases against the city that had lingered for years.

4.   The report attributed the increase to back-to-school shopping.

5.   The report attributes the information to the intelligence service of another foreign government.

6.   The report attributes this to shifting attitudes on divorce and laws making it easier to end a marriage.

7.   The report attributed part of the decline to withdrawals from international stock funds.

8.   The report attributed the sales increase to an improving economy and low inflation.

9.   The report attributes police wrongdoing in part to the mediocrity that it contends was allowed to flourish.

10.   The report attributes the increase to several factors, not the least of which is the huge jump in advertising by outside issue-advocacy groups.

n. + attribute >>共 358
official 12.65%
company 10.98%
analyst 10.01%
broker 5.36%
expert 3.78%
trader 3.65%
report 2.64%
police 2.64%
dealer 2.11%
economist 1.89%
report + v. >>共 356
say 38.68%
be 18.76%
show 2.72%
suggest 2.64%
indicate 2.16%
come 1.60%
give 1.35%
find 1.05%
note 0.95%
add 0.87%
attribute 0.13%
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