1.   The company agrees to pay the lender a stated rate of interest and also to repay the principal at some future date.

2.   Dealers generally get inventory under arrangements where the cars are used as collateral, and dealers pay only interest until the vehicle is sold and the principal is repaid.

3.   Dual-currency bonds, in turn, raise money and pay interest in one currency and repay the principal in another.

4.   Dual-currency bonds are bonds on which interest is paid in one currency and principal is repaid in another.

5.   Dual-currency bonds are bonds that pay interest in one currency and repay principal in another.

6.   Investors immediately miss the interest payments and begin to question whether the company will repay the principal on the bonds.

7.   Some Samurai bonds are paid for and pay interest in one currency and repay the principal in another, such as Australian dollars.

8.   Still, an economic slowdown could force companies to repay the principal to investors earlier than expected, forcing investors to look elsewhere to match the yields.

9.   The bonds raise money in yen and repay the principal in another currency, usually dollars.

10.   The federal money would consist of tax credits that would cover the interest payments, while local school districts would repay the principal.

v. + principal >>共 176
repay 5.01%
have 3.62%
return 3.34%
remove 3.06%
say 3.06%
pay 2.23%
lose 2.23%
replace 1.95%
tell 1.67%
represent 1.67%
repay + n. >>共 190
loan 28.14%
debt 27.02%
money 10.45%
bond 2.43%
creditor 1.64%
fund 1.25%
favor 1.18%
principal 1.18%
investor 1.12%
lender 0.79%
每页显示:    共 18