1.   Alternatively, cross-licensing agreements might be negotiated -- or the whole question could be rendered moot by further innovations, attorneys say.

2.   Bankers Trust had argued before the appeals court that the issue had been rendered moot by the unsealing of the court documents.

3.   About the only item in the contract not rendered moot by time was its insistence on massive tax cuts.

4.   Browne said the NLRB ruling was rendered moot when the McNeil case was settled with the back pay-money set aside as part of the settlement.

5.   But that issue was rendered moot when Mexico scored twice in the second half to pull off an upset win.

6.   Financial questions would be rendered moot if Augustana sold Schonstedt.

7.   However, he said that type of evaluation against the Browns was rendered moot by the rash of early training-camp injuries.

8.   If the Bruins get an early lead, Lemieux likely will be rendered moot.

9.   It appears Tech fans will do their share to buy tickets, which means any promises made to the Alamo might be rendered moot.

10.   It was rendered moot when the lockout ended.

v. + moot >>共 4
render 56.41%
make 35.90%
declare 5.13%
deem 2.56%
render + a. >>共 236
useless 8.60%
obsolete 4.88%
harmless 4.49%
meaningless 4.36%
unconscious 3.47%
ineffective 3.21%
moot 2.82%
irrelevant 2.57%
helpless 2.18%
unable 2.05%
每页显示:    共 22