1.   Having had the bloody debris removed, he called the cast to order and began work.

2.   Remove any debris from the garden pond and thin out plants showing signs of excessive growth.

3.   Remove large debris and disperse the cells in the sucrose by gently stirring with the needle.

4.   Removing the debris could cause the rest of the building to come tumbling down.

5.   Use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris from between the key caps and clean them with a suitable solution.

6.   Many helped firemen remove debris and others were ferrying the injured to hospitals.

7.   Also Thursday, volunteer masons, carpenters and other building trades workers were marshaled into bucket brigades to remove debris to an orderly line of waiting dump trucks.

8.   And rescue workers force investigators to be patient while, bucket by bucket, they remove debris that can then be sifted for evidence.

9.   At other sites, the military brought in heavy machinery to remove debris.

10.   Because the odd barge or detached mast occasionally drifts into busy shipping lanes, the Army Corps of Engineers made plans a decade ago to remove the debris.

v. + debris >>共 202
clear 12.92%
remove 10.61%
search 3.15%
find 2.84%
throw 2.63%
send 2.10%
clear_away 2.00%
haul 1.79%
fly 1.68%
scattered 1.68%
remove + n. >>共 1556
body 1.63%
barrier 1.30%
pan 1.14%
restriction 0.98%
obstacle 0.79%
tumor 0.79%
child 0.75%
chicken 0.72%
name 0.72%
president 0.70%
debris 0.62%
每页显示:    共 100