1.   Drain the lentils and combine them with the remaining vinaigrette.

2.   Drizzle the beets with the remaining vinaigrette.

3.   Drizzle the remaining vinaigrette over the lamb.

4.   Drizzle the sliced steak generously with the vinaigrette, and serve, passing the remaining vinaigrette separately.

5.   Drizzle the remaining vinaigrette over the tartare and serve with toast points.

6.   Drizzle with enough of the remaining vinaigrette to coat.

7.   Drizzle with remaining vinaigrette.

8.   Garnish each plate with parsley salad and drizzle with any remaining vinaigrette.

9.   In a mixing bowl, combine the remaining vinaigrette with the blanched beans, diced tomatoes, and minced shallots.

10.   Ladle the remaining vinaigrette over the salads.

a. + vinaigrette >>共 63
balsamic 13.04%
remaining 11.59%
light 4.35%
simple 4.35%
basic 3.62%
mustard 2.90%
raspberry 2.90%
standard 2.90%
wine 2.90%
mustardy 2.17%
remaining + n. >>共 1114
ingredient 2.70%
hostage 1.85%
share 1.83%
game 1.71%
seat 1.29%
member 1.14%
issue 1.01%
oil 1.00%
butter 0.85%
difference 0.80%
vinaigrette 0.13%
每页显示:    共 16