1.   And the Oklahoma-born George W. Cornell often sang every verse of it during nocturnal gatherings of religion writers.

2.   Before the religion writers showed up at his headquarters, Dobson had some more famous visitors, mainly politicians seeking the Republican presidential nomination.

3.   A forthcoming book by a fellow newspaper religion writer argues otherwise.

4.   Al Gore went so far as to set up a White House interview with religion writers so they could spread the word about his religious beliefs.

5.   Carol Oppel has worked as a freelance religion writer and is a consultant to the Episcopal Diocese in Washington, developing programs for mediation and conflict resolution in parishes.

6.   Culture commentators and religion writers have been scratching their heads in wonder at the popular abbess.

7.   I presented him with a plaque from the association he helped found honoring him as the dean of American religion writers.

8.   It not only included religion writers but also influential editors and publishers.

9.   Now Larson helps supervise one of the few academic programs set up to train religion writers.

10.   Religion writer Steve Gushee and staff researcher Lynne Palombo contributed to this story.

n. + writer >>共 358
staff 28.25%
letter 3.96%
sport 3.46%
chronicle 2.76%
food 2.63%
fiction 2.47%
mystery 2.44%
baseball 2.35%
travel 2.25%
speech 2.00%
religion 0.67%
religion + n. >>共 102
class 10.70%
writer 6.42%
law 5.81%
professor 5.50%
course 3.67%
bill 3.67%
expert 3.36%
teacher 3.06%
scholar 3.06%
coverage 2.75%
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