1.   Do you really want to give up the relative ease of having a whole accounting department at your beck and call?

2.   It provides the breadth and depth of financial resources required to enable banks to adjust their liquidity positions with relative ease.

3.   Kim lived a life of relative ease and privilege.

4.   Such schemes as this will offer the possibility for speed with flexibility and relative ease of use.

5.   The security codes could be broken with relative ease.

6.   We are able to explain and understand completely new ideas with relative ease.

7.   Whilst most user groups can be identified with relative ease, the various types of material or service often resist clear definition.

8.   Why not just stick with egg rolls and pot stickers, which most kitchens can handle with relative ease?

9.   The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease.

a. + ease >>共 182
relative 24.73%
apparent 5.45%
greater 5.45%
equal 4.36%
surprising 4.00%
remarkable 3.27%
same 2.00%
consummate 1.82%
great 1.45%
comparative 1.27%
relative + n. >>共 688
calm 7.07%
ease 3.64%
safety 3.45%
newcomer 3.37%
obscurity 3.35%
peace 3.03%
strength 2.28%
term 2.20%
unknown 2.14%
stability 2.03%
每页显示:    共 135