1.   The problem since then has been how to rekindle a spirit of democratic inquiry without provoking another conservative backlash.

2.   And he tried to play them so that after a slow start, the music moved beyond homage and rekindled the spirit of the songs.

3.   Lasorda was quoted recently as saying he was desperate to return, to rekindle the spirit on his ballclub, to get it battling again.

4.   Punctuated throughout by similar bursts of viciousness, it also tells the tender story of how Nishi rekindles the spirits of his dying wife.

5.   Stories meant to rekindle the spirit.

6.   We have rekindled the spirit of New York.

7.   A secondary objective was to rekindle community spirit and encourage local people to find, or rediscover, their roots.

8.   And a president who leads in that direction can help unlock that potential to rekindle the spirit of America.

9.   By helping them, Paprikova hopes to rekindle a spirit snuffed out by communism.

10.   The Palestinian leader has often returned to the Norwegian capital, often saying it is to rekindle the spirit of Oslo from earlier peace talks.

v. + spirit >>共 413
lift 10.02%
violate 4.77%
capture 3.44%
dampen 2.84%
break 2.72%
keep_up 2.60%
raise 2.60%
have 2.36%
boost 1.87%
revive 1.57%
rekindle 0.66%
rekindle + n. >>共 143
interest 9.40%
concern 6.33%
debate 5.24%
memory 5.24%
fear 4.88%
talk 3.44%
inflation 3.44%
romance 2.53%
hope 2.35%
fire 2.17%
spirit 1.99%
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