1.   As the innkeeper, he occupied a makeshift registration desk beneath a bow of palm fronds.

2.   At one downtown hotel, the staff was dressed as pop stars, with Madonna working the registration desk and Little Richard parking cars.

3.   Brian Johnson, a Nation of Islam member who has been working the registration desk for the past two months said that Wednesday was the busiest it has been.

4.   But there was no time to dwell on this because we had been called to the registration desk.

5.   Ferguson acknowledged that he did and, after being asked to show the gun to them, left the registration desk to return to the Governor.

6.   If you have not preregistered at the exhibition or by phone, show up early at the sale and head for the registration desk.

7.   Not even a slot machine graces the vast, rather grim expanse before the registration desk.

8.   Ornate chandeliers, collections of equine paintings and sculptures and a registration desk concealed behind gilded screens enrich the lobby.

9.   Plaintiff states she returned to the registration desk and told Blackard some of what had happened.

10.   She states she saw Ferguson waiting outside the suite but that he did not escort her back to the registration desk and nothing was said between them.

n. + desk >>共 174
help 7.20%
information 6.17%
office 6.17%
check-in 4.46%
school 4.46%
computer 4.29%
registration 3.43%
news 2.92%
security 2.92%
anchor 2.57%
registration + n. >>共 190
card 6.97%
form 6.84%
process 6.43%
list 6.17%
statement 5.90%
drive 5.63%
system 4.69%
fee 4.42%
procedure 2.95%
paper 2.41%
desk 1.34%
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