1.   Blinded by shame and denial, distracted by the enormous challenge of redressing racial inequities, black leaders in South Africa have mostly closed their eyes to AIDS.

2.   Blinded by shame and denial, distracted by the enormous challenge of redressing racial inequities, black leaders have mostly closed their eyes to AIDS.

3.   A fairer sharing of bridge and tunnel profits could help redress this inequity.

4.   For minorities, the ballot survey found, a recount would not have redressed the inequities because most ballots were beyond retrieving.

5.   He asked the court to order Congress to create a public financing system that would redress inequities between incumbents and challengers.

6.   In the old days, a president would propose a government program to redress racial inequities.

7.   It is time for the entertainment industry as well as other industries to step up to the plate and redress this inequity.

8.   Now the aspects of his philanthropical work that he seems most excited about have to do with redressing tremendous inequities in global health.

9.   The aspects of his philanthropical work that Gates seems most excited about have to do with redressing tremendous inequities in global health.

10.   Many youths support her populist, militant calls for quickly redressing the inequities of apartheid.

v. + inequity >>共 63
redress 10.09%
create 5.50%
eliminate 5.50%
address 5.50%
correct 3.67%
end 3.67%
reduce 3.67%
remedy 2.75%
fix 1.83%
find 1.83%
redress + n. >>共 53
balance 23.50%
imbalance 10.38%
grievance 7.65%
wrong 7.65%
inequity 6.01%
problem 6.01%
situation 5.46%
discrimination 3.83%
injustice 3.28%
fraud 1.09%
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