1.   All freshmen who attend optional orientation sessions receive information on date rape.

2.   An important component is the opportunity to receive up-to-date information from a childbirth educator.

3.   Another group received partial information about the events described in the passage.

4.   At first we received conflicting information about the number of children who were seriously hurt.

5.   If you would like to receive further information, return the attached form.

6.   Investigators said they received information that Berry set off the bomb himself.

7.   It is vital that people receive the information they need.

8.   Many people receive information about politics from their conversations with others.

v. + information >>共 422
provide 9.86%
have 8.76%
give 4.15%
share 3.81%
get 3.58%
release 3.04%
use 2.92%
gather 2.72%
receive 2.61%
seek 2.04%
receive + n. >>共 867
treatment 3.30%
money 2.70%
letter 2.58%
report 2.41%
threat 2.22%
call 2.15%
support 2.06%
approval 1.83%
complaint 1.55%
information 1.49%
每页显示:    共 593