1.   It reaffirmed UN support for the just struggle of the people of Bosnia-Hercegovina and demanded the repatriation of refugees and deportees.

2.   America could help Cambodia now by reaffirming that support.

3.   At the same time, however, officials at the National Cancer Institute reaffirmed their support for mammography.

4.   But his listeners became angry when McGreevey, after reaffirming his support for the state of Israel, appeared to evade questions about his feelings toward Palestinians.

5.   Canada, concerned about the fate of its soldiers taken hostages, reaffirmed the support it had only reluctantly given to the air strikes.

6.   Clinton made up some lost ground with black critics in July when he reaffirmed his support for affirmative action.

7.   Despite the Likud vote, Bush administration officials Monday reaffirmed their support for a Palestinian state.

8.   Even though the lower house is expected to reaffirm its support for a tax cut, the measure will most likely be rejected again in the Senate.

9.   French President Jacques Chirac reaffirmed his support for Arianespace, the pan-European launch group, one day after its newest rocket exploded seconds into its inaugural flight.

10.   Gore then tried to placate his business allies, sending a letter to the National Association of Manufacturers reaffirming his support for the trade deal.

v. + support >>共 379
have 9.21%
win 5.39%
express 5.29%
provide 4.64%
receive 3.65%
seek 3.13%
get 2.63%
give 2.62%
offer 2.36%
gain 2.31%
reaffirm 0.62%
reaffirm + n. >>共 211
commitment 20.90%
support 12.74%
opposition 3.57%
intention 2.66%
decision 2.66%
position 2.57%
importance 2.38%
belief 2.29%
determination 2.11%
faith 1.83%
每页显示:    共 138