1.   And students supplement their classroom lessons with computerized reading programs purchased through several grants.

2.   Barnes and state School Superintendent Linda Schrenko also have emphasized increasing spending on reading programs for students at risk of falling behind.

3.   Besides coordinating the reading program at the Library of Congress, and distributing grants to young poets, Collins has a few ideas.

4.   A modified remedial reading program was born.

5.   After her stops in Aviano and Pisa, she visited a reading program at a Florence hospital.

6.   After years of complaints from parents about the lack of phonics instruction in schools, several area districts are pumping up their structured reading programs, including phonics.

7.   Alicia sees a school speech therapist twice a week and is in an intensive reading program, but she is still behind.

8.   Brooks has been put on probation and ordered into a reading program in Ohio that Auburn says it will pay for.

9.   Burton pointed to staff development, the Open Court reading program, and math and reading coaches as steps that have boosted test scores in the last two years.

10.   For Henry, a reading program, after-school tutoring, regular visits with a social worker and weekly parent-teacher meetings made the difference.

a. + program >>共 969
new 5.06%
training 4.36%
federal 3.15%
social 2.98%
nuclear 2.67%
short 2.42%
pilot 2.11%
similar 1.78%
educational 1.44%
long 1.10%
reading 0.32%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
每页显示:    共 77