1.   However, particularly for the gamma-ray contribution, more direct measurement of the radiation dose is usually employed.

2.   The age of an archaeological specimen can therefore be determined by dividing the total radiation dose by the annual radiation dose.

3.   When minerals such as quartz and feldspars have received a radiation dose and are then heated, they emit light.

4.   The maximum and minimum radiation dose to the rectum was calculated in the plane of the planning slice for each patient.

5.   The need for collection of stools over four days, and a radiation dose limiting repeated studies are the main disadvantages of faecal indium excretion studies.

6.   Among the other problems, acknowledged by officials at the Energy Department, is that records of radiation doses and other exposures are poor at many sites.

7.   At airliner altitudes, the radiation dose over the pole is about twice as high as the dose over the equator.

8.   At least three plant workers suffered radiation doses that are normally lethal, and some radiation escaped the plant.

9.   But Lochbaum agrees that no one at Three Mile Island got such high immediate radiation doses as the three workers who are in critical condition in Japan.

10.   Crucially, they also discovered that the risk to children rose in line with the radiation dose received by their fathers.

n. + dose >>共 76
radiation 16.46%
drug 6.10%
vaccine 6.10%
insulin 4.88%
morphine 3.66%
time 3.66%
gastrin 2.44%
mega 2.44%
maintenance 2.44%
morning 2.44%
radiation + n. >>共 174
treatment 16.90%
level 11.29%
therapy 10.40%
leak 10.40%
exposure 8.20%
dose 2.19%
detector 1.87%
experiment 1.79%
leakage 1.38%
release 1.30%
每页显示:    共 27