1.   Further, in a share sale a purchaser will also wish to negotiate a tax indemnity.

2.   Ideally the purchaser would wish to have the vendor negotiate actively with the purchaser on an exclusive basis during an initial period.

3.   The purchaser will wish to avoid any such disadvantageous practices.

4.   The purchaser will wish to consider the timing of payment in the context of the whole transaction.

5.   The purchaser may wish to accept repudiation and sue for damages.

6.   Despite the fact that formal notice is not needed, there are two important reasons why the purchaser may wish to give notice of an equitable assignment.

7.   In an ideal world, the purchaser will wish to receive formal consent from every customer and supplier before completing the acquisition.

n. + wish >>共 350
people 5.68%
government 4.15%
parent 1.86%
company 1.86%
party 1.75%
fan 1.75%
member 1.42%
purchaser 1.42%
reader 1.31%
authority 1.20%
purchaser + v. >>共 131
be 19.59%
have 9.36%
wish 3.80%
pay 2.92%
include 2.34%
buy 1.75%
need 1.75%
want 1.46%
ensure 1.46%
require 1.46%
每页显示:    共 13