1.   The published works give one a chance to assess the audiences with whom the author attempts to share information.

2.   Other factors may also have contributed to the large variability in prevalence rate of gastric metaplasia as mentioned in published works.

3.   An increased cell loss during incubation with BrdU as another possible explanation is not supported by published works.

4.   Patients described in published works with portopulmonary hypertension have all had clinically obvious portal hypertension.

5.   The relation of this disorder with coeliac disease and lymphocytic gastritis is discussed with reference to recent published works.

6.   Among his published works are a Toccata and a Sonata Brevis for piano and many pedagogical works for young musicians.

7.   But these published works are not meant to intimidate the lesser-known poets, those still honing the craft.

8.   Cohn made a valiant effort to include published works no longer available, reasoning correctly that they were obtainable from libraries.

9.   McPhee, a nonscientist, shares his love of geology in updates of four published works and one previously unpublished work.

a. + works >>共 953
new 6.05%
good 5.49%
great 1.95%
literary 1.82%
major 1.65%
contemporary 1.46%
early 1.39%
original 1.32%
the 1.29%
charitable 1.12%
published 0.50%
published + n. >>共 243
report 39.90%
book 3.94%
account 3.33%
interview 2.58%
study 2.31%
work 1.84%
article 1.50%
paper 1.29%
poet 1.22%
material 1.22%
works 1.02%
每页显示:    共 15