1.   Successive governments encountered problems in responding to the changed conditions and in raising resources to meet public expectations.

2.   And with polls showing low public expectations for any meaningful reform passing soon, fundraisers seem to have little to fear.

3.   And with polls showing low public expectations of any meaningful reform passing soon, fundraisers seem to have little to fear.

4.   And yet, whether in politics, the arts, sports or entertainment, the BBC still faces an unwavering public expectation that it provide satisfaction.

5.   And, inevitably, it also means that such an examination will lead to public expectations for action and reform.

6.   As such, women and men have played gender roles to meet public expectations in past advertisements.

7.   Bill Clinton has spent the last six years demonstrating that in presidential politics, there are few things more useful than low public expectations.

8.   A big part of the problem lies in unrealistic public expectations.

9.   But having raised public expectations with the announcement on Thursday, a deadlock at the talks would be a political setback for Yeltsin.

10.   But on another, he has raised the bar of public expectation with uncommon daring.

a. + expectation >>共 625
high 15.46%
great 5.28%
unrealistic 4.91%
low 4.02%
growing 2.23%
public 2.03%
higher 1.88%
reasonable 1.54%
widespread 1.51%
lowered 1.46%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
expectation 0.14%
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