1.   Career prospects include central and local government, teaching, the mass media, development agencies and librarianship.

2.   More distant prospects include improved vaccines for tuberculosis and childhood diseases, and possibly an AIDS vaccine, Young said.

3.   Other Democratic prospects include Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska and former Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey.

4.   Other prospects include underwear, handkerchiefs, T-shirts, briefcase handles, steering wheels, computer keyboards, even bicycle helmets.

5.   Other top GOP prospects include Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, Govs.

6.   Other GOP prospects include Sen. Arlen Specter, Sen. Richard Lugar, Rep. Robert Dornan, Alexander and talk show host Alan Keyes.

7.   Other top prospects include LaMirada offensive lineman Paul Mociler, Carlsbad linebacker Brandon Chillar and Saugus fullback Patrick Norton.

8.   The top prospects include Cincinnati power forward Kenyon Martin, Texas center Chris Mihm and Iowa State forward Marcus Fizer.

9.   They pay a steep price, giving up prized prospects including Drew Henson.

n. + include >>共 1161
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prospect 0.03%
prospect + v. >>共 309
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seem 4.47%
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