1.   We will introduce new product labels, showing information such as energy consumption during use and the environmental impact of the production process.

2.   The FDA requires strict abidance by food manufacturers of its definitions for certain terms used on product labels.

3.   And read product labels carefully.

4.   -- Check the product label or warranty for the name and address of the manufacturer.

5.   According to USDA guidelines, contents of the solution and how much is used must be printed on the product label.

6.   But that consumer information must come from health newsletters or other media, because the law restricts what herb vendors can say on product labels or in ads.

7.   But that product label may no longer suffice.

8.   Curious statements that sound like disclaimers on product labels are beginning to appear in earnings reports.

9.   De Winter noted that regulations requiring product labels have not yet been formed.

10.   Despite the new Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, which calls for uniformity of serving size, the serving sizes on the product labels still vary.

n. + label >>共 322
music 7.13%
product 6.61%
food 5.32%
nutrition 3.11%
address 2.59%
wall 2.46%
package 1.82%
beer 1.82%
rap 1.82%
indie 1.56%
product + n. >>共 705
line 13.05%
company 5.21%
development 4.93%
price 2.74%
placement 2.14%
manager 1.97%
maker 1.67%
future 1.64%
range 1.62%
category 1.45%
label 0.89%
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