1.   Although the treatment for skin cancer is usually successful, the problem can recur later.

2.   In anticipation that the same problem might recur this summer I tried sowing some sweet peas with the runner beans.

3.   The guarantee only agrees to re-treat the affected areas - it does not guarantee that the problem will not recur.

4.   There is a strong probability that the problem will recur if we do not deal with it now.

5.   Two problems recur in attempts to adopt any of the above solutions to the problem of natural monopoly.

6.   Only in two patients did problems with constipation recur after they had been successfully treated.

7.   And Kent Barwick, president of the Municipal Art Society, said the problem recurs.

8.   At United Airlines, auditors found that some problems recurred, evidently because causes had not been adequately identified.

9.   After the problem recurred several times, Cahill was finally diagnosed with PCT and referred to skin and liver specialists.

10.   But he was not ready to skate, and he is concerned that the problem could recur.

n. + recur >>共 88
cancer 14.22%
problem 9.80%
theme 6.86%
disease 3.43%
tumor 3.43%
symptom 2.94%
motif 2.45%
incident 1.96%
infection 1.96%
injury 1.96%
problem + v. >>共 326
be 56.64%
arise 2.80%
remain 1.94%
occur 1.33%
come 1.28%
exist 1.26%
have 1.18%
lie 1.15%
begin 1.11%
go 1.01%
recur 0.09%
每页显示:    共 20