1.   Arthur Andersen has lost dozens of clients since admitting that employees in its Houston office shredded Enron-related files shortly before a federal probe began.

2.   Beauchesne would not say when the probe of Incomnet began or how the National Association of Securities Dealers, which oversees Nasdaq, was alerted to problems with Incomnet.

3.   But civil-rights probes commonly begin after complaints are made to the department.

4.   Kallstrom said the hunt for evidence is taking longer than he expected it would when the probe began.

5.   McCaskill said her probe began several weeks ago after her office received information from state gambling regulators.

6.   That money was returned by his alleged accomplice, Martin Robbins, when the probe began in mid-February.

7.   The ethics probe of Liburdy began after a whistle-blower challenged his intriguing results.

8.   The federal probe began last spring after a former National Medical employee filed a lawsuit involving the dialysis centers, Dorfman said.

9.   The probe began after federal prosecutors accused Argenbright Security Inc. of failing to make background checks at Philadelphia International Airport.

10.   The probe began last month, officials said.

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probe + v. >>共 243
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