1.   Currently, assistance can only be resumed when the president certifies that country has returned to a democratically elected government.

2.   And the amendment specifies that the area would not be opened to exploration unless the president certified that production there was necessary because of national security.

3.   It requires the president to certify a national security need before putting U.S. troops under United Nations command.

4.   It would approve military aid to El Salvador if the president would certify that El Salvador respected basic standards of human rights.

5.   One would have required the president to certify that the United States could detect as little as one ton of poison gas components.

6.   The legislation would exempt any rules required by court order or any regulations that the president certifies are necessary to preserve public health and safety.

7.   The president must then certify to Congress that the countries are doing all they can in drug-law enforcement.

8.   Under the law, the president must certify each year that nations receiving foreign aid from Washington to combat drugs are cooperating, otherwise they risk economic sanctions.

9.   Under federal law, the president must certify each year that nations receiving foreign aid from Washington to combat drugs are cooperating.

10.   Under current legislation, the president must certify annually that China deserves to retain its low-tariff trading status with the United States.

n. + certify >>共 102
inspector 42.47%
president 5.15%
doctor 4.74%
administration 4.33%
expert 2.47%
monitor 2.47%
judge 2.27%
official 2.06%
state 1.65%
county 1.44%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
certify 0.11%
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