1.   The organization works to preserve forests.

2.   We need to preserve the forest.

3.   They produced a declaration calling for financial and technological assistance from the developed world in return for taking steps to preserve their forests.

4.   The seminar took the view that the timber trade helps preserve forests by giving them economic value.

5.   Although they found many areas of agreement, deep differences remained over preserving ancient forests, protecting property rights and creating jobs in the woods.

6.   A worthy program to set aside indigenous areas, which both preserves the forests and protects Indian tribes, is only half-completed.

7.   Despite mixed results, the program has shown enough promise to suggest that stronger measures might be able to preserve endangered forests.

8.   I am all for preserving forests, and I am against cutting down forests.

v. + forest >>共 258
protect 5.08%
preserve 3.93%
clear 3.68%
see 3.55%
destroy 3.30%
burn 2.79%
save 2.66%
manage 2.54%
enter 1.65%
leave 1.52%
preserve + n. >>共 955
peace 1.86%
job 1.63%
environment 1.52%
integrity 1.52%
tie 1.41%
victory 1.32%
right 1.30%
history 1.13%
land 1.13%
memory 1.07%
forest 0.87%
每页显示:    共 31