1.   She will be presenting a paper on methods for teaching ESL at the conference.

2.   The day before its publication, the working paper was presented to a closed session of the newly formed Malaysian Business Council.

3.   Professor Alan Goodship at Bristol University is currently doing extensive research work on tendon injury and repair and has presented several papers on his work.

4.   Barclay recently presented a paper on research done by his company, Omega Tech of Boulder, at a conference on fatty acids last month in Washington.

5.   Even some who had been expected to present papers on the results of their studies in the conference failed to appear.

6.   Gingrich called that a cheap political shot and said he would present a paper on campaign reform this autumn.

7.   Graves remembers calling to tell him not to come to a meeting to present a paper, but Irons refused.

8.   He and two associate researchers, Carl Ettlinger and Vincent Buonomo, presented their paper last April at the International Society for Skiing Safety in Norway.

9.   He presented a paper on the project in April to the Midwest Sociological Society in Chicago.

10.   Hitachi said the rules of the San Francisco conference prohibited it from discussing its chip until it presented its paper at the meeting Wednesday.

v. + paper >>共 691
file 6.69%
say 5.21%
sign 3.66%
read 3.39%
publish 2.59%
use 2.53%
have 2.46%
tell 1.91%
write 1.89%
check 1.71%
present 1.64%
present + n. >>共 1427
evidence 5.11%
case 4.16%
problem 3.92%
plan 3.06%
proposal 2.89%
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challenge 2.03%
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paper 0.74%
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