1.   New nosodes have also been added to the armamentarium and special remedies prepared from specific antigens and toxic substances.

2.   The rail piece is then cut to the correct curve, using the template prepared from the original.

3.   Yogurt is a cultured milk product prepared from either whole or skim milk.

4.   A double lumen tube, prepared from polyvinyl chloride tubing, was inserted through the forestomach into the gastric lumen and passed through the pylorus.

5.   Work in liver endothelial cells suggests that matrix prepared from human amnion is more effective at maintaining physiological phenotype than EHS.

6.   For Northern blotting total RNA was prepared from cytoplasmic extracts and analysed according to standard procedures.

7.   Polytene chromosomes were prepared from the salivary glands of third instar larvae as described previously.

8.   The expression of the POU class II genes was analysed using specific sets of PCR primers and first strand cDNA prepared from a variety of mouse tissues.

9.   Nuclei were prepared from an NF-L expressing and non-expressing human cell lines and subjected to limited DNaseI digestion.

10.   Another theory was that foods prepared from or produced by reproductive organs were good for reproduction.

v. + from >>共 1015
learn 3.51%
make 3.43%
die 3.01%
ban 2.92%
hang 1.50%
profit 1.45%
shy_away 1.36%
disappear 1.35%
report 1.33%
watch 1.22%
prepare 0.03%
prepare + p. >>共 48
in 20.92%
to 12.70%
with 12.58%
by 7.35%
on 6.60%
at 5.98%
than 5.60%
as 4.73%
against 4.36%
from 3.36%
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