1.   The practice included recruitment through advertising and personnel management consultancy besides recruiting through a direct approach.

2.   Illegal practices include smuggling, transfer pricing, under valuing and misclassification of species.

3.   Austin psychologist John Breeding, an opponent of ECT, said his counseling practice includes several people he believes have been emotionally devastated by the treatment.

4.   But she does know that she wants her practice to include abortions.

5.   Common practices include selling used electronics as new and intentionally selling an inferior item in a box with a picture of a similar-looking item.

6.   Dr. German Newall, whose practice includes patients from South America, Central America and Mexico, says those patients are usually more concerned than U.S.

7.   He asserted that such legislation interfered with the rights of abortion opponents, whose practices include praying and picketing in front of clinics.

8.   Her practice includes five surviving sextuplets, two sets of quadruplets and many sets of triplets and twins.

9.   Her practice always included some celebrity clientele.

10.   Herbert A. Bregman, a certified public accountant in Stamford, Conn., whose practice includes matrimonial work, noted that another potential obstacle was the judge.

n. + include >>共 1161
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practice + v. >>共 466
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