1.   Each one recognises sectional interests within the profession but has little or no regard to the public at large or the potential client.

2.   Fairs are useful for meeting potential new clients and as a way to introduce ourselves.

3.   Make sure potential clients know about all of your services.

4.   Most potential clients visit them at Potton and attend one of the free seminars, held three times a week.

5.   Naturally, Sheila thought that meant a potential client had called.

6.   Newsletters are often issued on free trial to potential clients.

7.   Solicitors also participate in social activities likely to get them and their firms known to potential clients.

8.   Therefore, to some degree any public relations proposal for any potential client is out of date as soon as it is written.

a. + client >>共 763
corporate 10.09%
new 5.97%
potential 4.56%
former 3.50%
private 2.58%
major 2.29%
graphic 2.15%
big 2.09%
prospective 2.04%
institutional 1.81%
potential + n. >>共 910
buyer 4.24%
problem 3.38%
candidate 2.75%
investor 2.38%
customer 2.24%
threat 1.72%
target 1.62%
juror 1.61%
partner 1.29%
danger 1.22%
client 0.75%
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