1.   A further possible objection to gradation is that it limits the sentencing powers of the judge.

2.   Delegate gains would be less significant for small states, leading to their possible objections to the proposal.

3.   They adduce support for it mainly by removing misunderstandings and a few possible objections.

4.   To the simple call of justice, there are a number of possible objections.

5.   It is sometimes useful to consider quietly, in advance of the auction, possible objections and their answers.

6.   Possible objections and questions can be anticipated and persuasive counter-arguments prepared.

7.   Prepare a list of possible objections and your responses to them.

8.   By identifying possible objections and dealing with them before they become hardened positions, you stand a better chance of turning these stakeholders into allies.

a. + objection >>共 315
strong 8.71%
russian 3.45%
israeli 2.33%
moral 2.25%
serious 2.10%
main 1.95%
strenuous 1.95%
major 1.73%
similar 1.65%
religious 1.58%
possible 1.20%
possible + n. >>共 1138
attack 2.33%
candidate 1.63%
link 1.14%
cause 1.13%
action 1.02%
motive 1.02%
successor 0.96%
solution 0.92%
way 0.81%
use 0.81%
objection 0.05%
每页显示:    共 16