1.   Much buying takes place under contract and this also tends to limit the search and investigation of alternative suppliers.

2.   Spread the cooked swede over the beans, sprinkle with the cheese and place under the grill to brown.

3.   The attack took place under the authority of the UN Security Council.

4.   The birth takes place under threatening skies.

5.   Economic sanctions remained in place under the existing UN resolutions.

6.   The first point to make is that dividend policy and share valuation take place under conditions of uncertainty.

7.   Has your Medau class ever taken place under a clear blue sky to music coming from an ice cream van?

8.   The activities take place under the guidance of prison PE instructors who supervise the prisoners and hundreds of volunteers.

9.   He was convicted of the lesser charge by a jury, with the addition that the assault had taken place under provocation.

n. + under >>共 1783
area 1.86%
year 0.87%
government 0.73%
city 0.72%
place 0.66%
right 0.63%
life 0.63%
country 0.60%
company 0.60%
election 0.59%
place + p. >>共 93
in 37.04%
for 11.31%
on 8.38%
at 6.75%
like 4.73%
with 4.51%
to 3.11%
by 2.20%
as 2.15%
after 1.42%
under 0.68%
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