1.   Many trophic factors can influence axonal growth and neuronal survival during nervous system development and in the regeneration of peripheral nerves.

2.   Several lines of evidence point to specific components of the peripheral nerve environment that support regeneration.

3.   The underlying pathology is a widely distributed inflammatory lesion in peripheral nerves, with adjacent demyelination.

4.   They are almost entirely produced by damage to peripheral nerves or to roots or to the central nervous system.

5.   This is not only simplistic but it is even ignorant of pain-provoking peripheral nerve fibres now known to exist in man.

6.   And damaged peripheral nerves, when they regrow at all, grow exceedingly slowly.

7.   During embryological development, they help guide the formation of the nervous system, making connections between brain and peripheral nerve circuits that will last a lifetime.

8.   Myelin is made by Schwann cells in the peripheral nerves and by cells called oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system.

9.   Peripheral nerves are being produced that repair animal nerve damage to degrees that far surpass the standard treatments.

10.   The discovery could help explain symptoms experienced by people with peripheral nerve damage that affects the pathway, he said.

a. + nerve >>共 315
pinched 12.68%
raw 9.17%
frayed 4.29%
deadly 2.73%
damaged 1.95%
jangled 1.85%
exposed 1.46%
degenerative 1.46%
sensory 1.37%
sensitive 1.27%
peripheral 1.17%
peripheral + n. >>共 153
vision 19.31%
device 5.21%
area 4.05%
issue 3.28%
role 3.09%
blood 2.90%
business 2.70%
figure 2.70%
product 2.51%
nerve 2.32%
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