1.   Through well-tended gardens beyond her patio, narrow stone paths diverge.

2.   At this point the paths diverge.

3.   As their career paths diverged, so did their styles.

4.   After that, their paths diverge radically, in ways that justify their well-known reputations as mortal business rivals.

5.   After that, their paths diverge radically.

6.   After Thanksgiving, our paths diverge, taking us to Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Christmas.

7.   But beginning Saturday, their paths diverge.

8.   But in the United States, their paths have sharply diverged.

9.   But their paths diverged here in Atlanta.

10.   Even so, there were moments during the rehearsal when their interpretive paths diverged, if not irreconcilably.

n. + diverge >>共 99
path 11.96%
interest 8.70%
story 4.35%
account 3.80%
opinion 3.80%
view 3.80%
road 3.26%
version 2.17%
species 1.63%
two 1.63%
path + v. >>共 178
be 36.52%
lead 9.46%
cross 8.55%
take 2.44%
diverge 2.24%
have 1.83%
wind 1.63%
seem 1.42%
become 1.22%
go 1.12%
每页显示:    共 22