1.   Flora and I were walking through the palm grove, on mud paths between tiny squares of pale green barley.

2.   Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.

3.   The dirt paths between the house and the other buildings were foaming brown streams.

4.   Up-stream, it sloped down to a grassy path between the trees and the water.

5.   They have to tread the delicate path between informing children and boring them.

6.   Dynamic programming is used to compute a shortest path between every pair of vertices in a weighted directed graph G.

7.   This algorithm does not require all edge weights to be positive, but we have to ban negative length cycles.

8.   He took a turn along a path between the great bougainvillaea bushes.

9.   These vertices are joined by a single edge labelled with the number of paths between the vertices.

10.   In addition, the combinatorics of paths between such decision points was controlled in HARPY by using a grammar with a low average branching ratio.

n. + between >>共 678
talk 4.69%
relationship 3.77%
link 3.47%
tension 3.40%
meeting 3.26%
gap 2.35%
agreement 2.08%
tie 2.00%
negotiation 2.00%
cooperation 1.96%
path 0.06%
path + p. >>共 70
of 33.49%
to 30.35%
for 6.07%
toward 4.18%
with 4.05%
in 3.88%
from 2.69%
between 1.46%
on 1.33%
into 1.26%
每页显示:    共 58