1.   There were splits in the party ranks on this issue.

2.   This move sowed dissension within the party ranks.

3.   However, an anticipated schism in party ranks failed to materialize.

4.   The fundamental split in party ranks threatened by the Democratic Platform failed to emerge, however.

5.   Another challenge for Democrats is to hold party ranks.

6.   At a closed door meeting of Democrats before the budget vote last week, Byrd threatened to slash spending projects of lawmakers who broke party ranks.

7.   Blute also has broken party ranks, but on the tax cut plan.

8.   Debate of nationality issues was to be confined only to the highest and most trusted of party ranks.

9.   Democratic leader Dick Gephardt was struggling to hold his party ranks behind the reforms.

10.   Even Democrat Fritz Hollings of South Carolina broke party ranks to vote against the measure.

a. + rank >>共 415
top 7.53%
party 4.17%
republican 3.52%
highest 3.41%
growing 3.03%
military 2.98%
senior 2.82%
high 2.49%
lower 2.44%
higher 2.38%
party + n. >>共 720
leader 16.20%
member 7.69%
official 6.86%
leadership 2.17%
chairman 2.02%
candidate 1.44%
congress 1.43%
affiliation 1.40%
headquarters 1.35%
president 1.32%
rank 0.41%
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