1.   All panelists commented on the good texture of the pasta and vegetables.

2.   In fact, panelists commented they would not have identified the wines by smell as Sangiovese.

3.   One panelist commented on the rich chocolate flavor and velvety texture.

4.   One panelist commented that this cookie looked the most homemade but lacked flavor.

5.   One panelist commented on the undercooked texture of the potatoes.

6.   Panelists all commented on the deep, rich chocolate flavor.

7.   Panelists commented on the good balance of salty and sweet flavors, though one noted that it was saltier than some of the other hams.

8.   Some panelists commented on the exceptionally fresh taste, but many did not like the added cucumber.

9.   Three panelists commented on the thin flavor, but another thought it epitomized a root beer.

10.   Three panelists particularly liked the mouthfeel, and all the panelists commented on the exceptional taste.

n. + comment >>共 350
official 18.79%
company 11.03%
police 5.18%
spokesman 3.99%
government 3.94%
side 2.92%
agency 2.75%
authority 2.13%
bank 1.46%
army 1.37%
panelist 0.75%
panelist + v. >>共 122
think 19.62%
like 16.95%
say 6.91%
describe 4.40%
agree 3.92%
note 3.61%
be 3.45%
comment 2.67%
find 2.35%
detect 1.88%
每页显示:    共 17