1.   Add to the pan juices and bring to the boil.

2.   Drizzle reduced pan juices over and serve immediately.

3.   Scoop off fat from pan juices.

4.   Slice roast and serve with warm pan juices and a dollop of carrot-sweet potato puree.

5.   Any butter or drippings or apple juice or any other basting medium simply slides off the skin and ends up in the pan juices.

6.   As it simmers you can spoon the pan juices over the fish, or gently turn it.

7.   Baste occasionally with pan juices.

8.   Baste well with pan juices.

9.   Baste with pan juices briefly.

10.   Baste with the pan juices, adding more red wine to the pan if needed.

n. + juice >>共 155
lemon 41.80%
lime 15.35%
fruit 9.47%
apple 6.13%
pan 4.01%
tomato 3.09%
grapefruit 2.34%
pineapple 2.13%
tobacco 1.25%
carrot 1.13%
pan + n. >>共 82
juice 31.89%
dripping 10.30%
sauce 9.63%
spray 7.64%
bottom 2.99%
side 1.99%
size 1.99%
liquid 1.66%
bagnat 1.33%
dulce 1.33%
每页显示:    共 95