1.   An aide to Albright said she did not go so far as to call for a freeze on Jewish settlements in historically Palestinian areas.

2.   Arafat had previously insisted that he could not act against popular militant groups without some gain in exchange, like an easing of the Israeli blockade on Palestinian areas.

3.   Arafat wants assurances that Hebron will not be the last Palestinian area to get self-rule.

4.   Arab Christians from Israel and the Palestinian areas make up just two percent of the population.

5.   Arafat had called for protests throughout the Palestinian areas and for a commercial strike Wednesday.

6.   Arafat is still not allowed to travel outside the Palestinian areas.

7.   At noon, sirens sounded for two minutes throughout Palestinian areas to mark the anniversary.

8.   Barred at the Israeli checkpoint from leaving the Palestinian area, they battered the outpost with stones and the edgy soldiers inside fired into the air.

9.   Before dawn, Israeli tanks shelled a Palestinian checkpoint in the West Bank city of Ramallah and pushed into a Palestinian area in southern Gaza.

10.   Beginning Friday at noon, the Israelis were to have begun easing restrictions on Palestinian areas in return for a crackdown on militants by Arafat.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
palestinian + n. >>共 446
leader 12.34%
police 6.31%
official 5.80%
security 4.86%
state 3.45%
territory 3.30%
militant 2.67%
area 2.24%
self-rule 2.24%
gunman 2.23%
每页显示:    共 1138