1.   At the other end are the individual oyster plates, shaped like half an oyster shell.

2.   Avoid natural sources of calcium like bone meal, oyster shell or dolomite, since they may contain harmful contaminants.

3.   Beds of oyster shells ringed the tiny structures under the drip line, like the houseleeks.

4.   Calcium from oyster shells.

5.   Calcium tablets can contain lead when they are made from such sources as limestone, oyster shells and bones contaminated with lead.

6.   Cats slumber across finely carved tables with inlaid mother-of-pearl oyster shell.

7.   Clark had gulped down vitamins, ginseng, ginger, rhubarb, dragon bone, oyster shell and countless herbs.

8.   Crouching on a steep path to the beach, he excavated some oyster shells.

9.   Each election year, he bleaches out oyster shells and paints them for use as his business cards.

10.   Five-year-old Manuel, standing on a mountain of oyster shells, is a shrimp picker in Biloxi, Miss.

n. + shell >>共 236
mortar 30.55%
artillery 16.43%
tank 11.17%
taco 4.59%
pie 3.92%
pastry 1.94%
oyster 1.85%
conch 1.43%
shotgun 1.22%
egg 1.10%
oyster + n. >>共 90
sauce 20.91%
shell 16.73%
stew 3.80%
farmer 3.04%
plate 2.66%
roast 2.66%
farm 1.90%
fork 1.90%
grower 1.90%
knife 1.90%
每页显示:    共 44